This country is for
nature lovers
After Bay Islands we
cruised around Great Barrier Island in the Gulf of Auraki, where
every bay has lots of hiking trails to offer and so instead of daily
swimming in Fiji we had daily hiking in NZ. Now we are securely tied
to a dock in Tauranga, out of the zone of dreaded cyclones of SW
Pacific. This is a year of El Nino, and here in NZ they are already
worried about how drought is going to affect their agriculture. In El Nino
year cyclones have a tendency to occur mainly Est of our longitude
and the French Polynesia is preparing for the worst. We hope they and
the low laying atolls of Tuamotu are not going to get hit too hard,
but will escape cyclones completely! Here El Nino brings dryness, but
for now rain still comes now and then and everywhere we look the
flowers are blooming between many shades of green. This country is a
real heaven for nature lovers and fit people, who are ready to carry
all they need on their backs. This unfortunately is not for us
anymore, but there are still many, many day trails that we can enjoy.
Tauranga is a real small tourist town with a lot of activity around
and so it looks like JP is not going to miss me too much while I'll
be away! He has a lot of projects he wants to accomplish before I
come back, so we can still enjoy the many islands, bays, trails in
this country, before we sail away for good sometimes in May. We still
didn't settle on exactly where we will go, but for sure the adventure
will start with Vanuatu, followed by New Caledonia and then either
Australia or through Indonesia. For now we wish you to enjoy the
magic this wonderful holiday has to offer and may it bring you joy
that will last throughout the whole year. JP would like to share a
final thought with you all: “Our small planet Earth is beautiful,
so lets do better in preserving its diversity and resources.” –
and I do hope his wish will come through...